Monday, March 28, 2011

Save Lives Even If Your Poor

I'm sick of people begging for money ! So I've sought God with all
my heart and I'm not leaning on my own understanding. Because if
I did, I'd give up right now !

What if you could really serve God with a real team of the poorest
christians in the world, who have next to nothing, but a little free
time ? Well that's what God has called me to do.

God has given me a clear cut plan on asking for no cash, but a little
of your time. He will bring in the money, yes you read right. I refuse
to ask you for a dime, because that is what He has shown me to do.

How Help Alot of People , Including Yourself :

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
John : 10:27

I am just a simple vessel of no special importance. I love the teachings of Jesus. My bible say that by their fruits you shall know them, I profess that Jesus Christ is My Lord and savior, and this is the mission(s) He has given me this day , Brother Scott Gibboney

In Christ's Love Amen,
Brother Scott Gibboney

1 comment:

  1. I am Brother Scott Gibboney. I am the voice of those that have no voice. God has supplied all my needs so I will never need to ask you for a single penny. In fact I consider your money quite useless as I believe miracles come from God. My only request is that you " Pass the Torch of Hope ". ( All are welcome regardless of faith,creed and race ).
