Monday, April 4, 2011

My Selfish Legacy

All my links in some way are committed to one selfish legacy goal and that is to at least feed ,educated,and house a million thrown away chidren of the world. But don't worry I'm not going to ask you for one thin blankity blank dime. Here's all I ask ::: Please consider joining my free cause.

Brother Scott Gibboney
Allegheny Mountains, United States

Bio: Passionate about America Borders ,Children's Rights and Facebook Causes.Served in the USAF.Life has been an evolution of freelance work. Please consider me as your next facebook friend. The answer to religious complacency isn't working harder at a list of dos and don'ts, it's falling in love with God

I am just a simple vessel of no special importance. I love the teachings of Jesus. My bible say that by their fruits you shall know them, I profess that Jesus Christ is My Lord and savior. For those wishing to know more you may seek out my Facebook :

Please Click Here

Love In Christ ,
Brother Scott Gibboney

After The Birds and Bees Talk

After the birds and bees talk, have one more talk that could even

save their life. Big corporations have targeted your kids, and their

not above using sexy women and guys to get what they want

out of your child ::::::: Click Here For Video

I am just a simple vessel of no special importance. I love the teachings of Jesus. My bible say that by their fruits you shall know them, I profess that Jesus Christ is My Lord and savior. For those wishing to know more you may seek out my Facebook :

Please Click Here

Love In Christ ,
Brother Scott Gibboney

{{{   Internet Activists For Jesus   }}}

Saturday, April 2, 2011

” Play With Your Problem “

One of the most intelligent people I've ever read about was a man who has

devoted most his life to creative cereal commercials. He was the author of

" Jump Start Your Brain " - A proven method for increasing creativity up to 500%.

I remember his words " PLAY WITH YOUR PROBLEM " now and thru God's grace I

am starting to see a more realistic answer to world's unending and crushing

poverty. An endless parade of people now ask all of us for mercy and they need it.

However most of us that are willing to help are poor ourselves : (

So I Played with my problem and this is what God gave me.

" How to Make a Micro-Loan To Causes " YOU " care about !


" Bankers Without Borders "

What would Jesus really do if He had been born 40 years ago instead

of some 2000 years ago. Personally and honestly I live on a limited pension

and can only past the torch and pray you will be able to answer the call.

May God Love Shine Brightly On You Today,
brother Scott Gibboney